Se plaindre des enfants : positionnements épistémiques et rapports institutionnels dans les récits conversationnels entre au-pair et famille d'accueil


  • Evelyne Berger Centre de linguistique appliquée, Université de Neuchâtel



The present study investigates how institutional relationships and identities are interactionally configured in a domestic context: the sojourn of an au-pair with a host family. While the au-pair regularly takes part in the family's ordinary life and becomes sort of a 'member' of the family over time, she is at the same time hired by the family as a childcare provider. Our study reveals that these institutional identities are oriented to by the participants, in particular during storytellings about the host family children's misconduct. The study is based on a corpus of 7 hours of dinner table conversations between Julie and her French-speaking host family. Drawing on Conversation Analysis, we show how, during storytelling, the au-pair and the host mother claim, display and negotiate their epistemic rights in relation to childcare in general or with these specific children.




Comment citer

Berger, E. (2017). Se plaindre des enfants : positionnements épistémiques et rapports institutionnels dans les récits conversationnels entre au-pair et famille d’accueil. Travaux neuchâtelois De Linguistique, (67), 103–125.



Article thématique