L'unilinguisme français contre le changement sociolinguistique


  • Henri Boyer




To begin with, we shall describe the french unilingual, also seen as a sociolinguistic ideology, in its varieties, especially since the french Revolution: an ideology based on few representations that are both inner and outer linguistic.

Then, we shall observe the attitude of the unilingual in the collective epilinguistic field of experiment. One discourse in particular is being analyzed: it is the debate on the Internet about the signature by France of the european charter on regional or minor languages. As such it is a testimony of the permanency of a dominant linguistic market in which the unilingual goes on fighting any important sociolinguistic change upon the territory of the national language.



How to Cite

Boyer, H. (2001). L’unilinguisme français contre le changement sociolinguistique. TRANEL, (34-35), 383–392. https://doi.org/10.26034/tranel.2001.3032