Perspectives actuelles dans la scolarisation de l’enfant ayant des besoins spéciaux


  • Jean-Paul Moulin HEP-VD, Lausanne



The idea of integrating people with special needs in schools and in society is increasingly a matter of consensus on an international level and it is gradually becoming the reference model within the European Union. Switzerland has now reached the heart of this complex and extremely controversial debate. First, this paper will terminologically clarify the numerous conceptions of integration, insertion and inclusion. Further, by drawi ng together relevant historic, ethical and scientific dimensions, it will demonstrate how current views for the schooling of children with special needs have developed. The implic ations for schools, teachers and special education professionals working within this new approach are addressed. Finally, the discussion will highlight the collaboration necessary between all actors when opening ordinary school doors to students with special needs.



How to Cite

Moulin, J.-P. (2005). Perspectives actuelles dans la scolarisation de l’enfant ayant des besoins spéciaux. TRANEL, (42), 207–223.