Une démarche cognitivo-langagière dans les troubles du développement du langage: le rôle des «entretiens-échanges langagiers» en situation d'intervention orthophonique ou logopédique


  • Emmanuelle Lederlé Laboratoire DYALANG, UMR CNRS 6065, Mont Saint-Aignan




This article is written in perspective of a linguistics approach of language acquisition and appropriation. Its content is mostly concerned with appropriation and re-appropriation of the oral and written language by children with language impairment. Because of my double position – as a speech-therapist and a scientific researcher - I am confronted on a daily basis with this type of difficulties as I meet with these troubled children. These situations lead me to question the opportunity - as much for my theses as in my professional practice - of what I call «language exchanges - interviews» around the language, which I believe to be necessary to its appropriation (re-appropriation?). Based on fundamental concepts in developmental psychology: «Conscience taking» (J. Piaget), «spiral organisation» (J.S. Bruner), «zone of proximal development» (Vygotski), and referring on the approach developed by P. Vermersch: the explanation, the language exchanges – interviews have as their main objective the appearance and development of cognitive-linguistic steps among people with difficulties, in order to attain language appropriation and reappropriation.



How to Cite

Lederlé, E. (2005). Une démarche cognitivo-langagière dans les troubles du développement du langage: le rôle des «entretiens-échanges langagiers» en situation d’intervention orthophonique ou logopédique. TRANEL, (42), 189–205. https://doi.org/10.26034/tranel.2005.2631