À propos des configurations en "j'ai X qui..."


  • Virginie Conti Université de Neuchâtel




The purpose of this paper is to provide a syntactic and semantic description offrench constructions of the type j'ai X qui..., such as j'ai mon pain au chocolat qui me fait mal à l'estomac and j'ai une amie qui a appelé son fils Théodore Otto. We show that these two examples illustrate two different constructions and that each one can be explained by means of a structure in (il) y a X qui. We thus embed our constructions into a series of frequent constructions typical of oral french.



How to Cite

Conti, V. (2004). À propos des configurations en "j’ai X qui.". TRANEL, (40), 151–163. https://doi.org/10.26034/tranel.2004.2617