Tensions, contaminations et appropriation progressive d’autres langages dans l’univers linguistique et socioculturel de Daniel Pennac


  • Antonella Leoncini Bartoli Università di Macerata




This article aims at studying the linguistic change (variation, heterogeneity) as it can be found in the works of Daniel Pennac. Heterogeneity at different levels - phonetic (transcription of a foreign accent), lexical (borrowings which incorporate words of origins other than French or neologisms by use and by form), syntactical (wealth of elliptic structures) and stylistic (special taste for metaphors) - which leaves traces in the language itself of the mixture of different races and cultures highlighted by the microcosm of the neighbourhood of Belleville in Paris. Such social and cultural heterogeneity which imposes linguistic changes to the language due to racial coexistence, reflects a period of transition, the end of the XXth century, and encourages tolerance by infusing to French language a new creative flavour.



How to Cite

Leoncini Bartoli, A. (2001). Tensions, contaminations et appropriation progressive d’autres langages dans l’univers linguistique et socioculturel de Daniel Pennac. TRANEL, (34-35), 411–426. https://doi.org/10.26034/tranel.2001.2568