Images de la variation du français: dominantes et harmoniques, changements


  • Véronique Castellotti Université François Rabelais, Tours
  • Didier de Robillard Université François Rabelais, Tours



This article tries to gather knowledge about an ill-explored field: representations towards French in France. It discusses ways and means to produce empirical data on this subject. This data indicates that the field described above deserves investigation, as, alongside standard French, the other «parlures» sampled here produce a variety of different attitudes and representations. However hypothetical as these results may be considered (owing to the number of informants for example), they seem to depict informants anxious of social camouflage through language use. An interest towards meridional French appears as an important feature, as well mixed feelings towards samples of rural French.



How to Cite

Castellotti, V., & Robillard, D. de. (2001). Images de la variation du français: dominantes et harmoniques, changements. TRANEL, (34-35), 393–410.