Compétence des enseignants de maternelle sur le langage de l'enfant et partenariat avec les familles : des postures et une formation à réinterroger


  • Emmanuelle Canut Université de Lille & UMR CNRS 8163 STL, Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex
  • Magali Husianycia Association de Formation et de Recherche sur le Langage (AsFoReL), Nancy
  • Morgane Jourdain KU Leuven
  • Karen Cappele INSPE de Lille, Éducation Nationale Lille 1 centre INSPE, Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex



This study is based on a survey of172 pre-school teachers conducted to investigate the representations of teachers regarding their competence in oral language acquisition/ learning and how the issue is addressed with the children's families. The standing hypothesis is that teachers are more likely to conceive and implement a coeducation approach when they gain work experience and improve their teaching practices through training. This paper shows that the current situation is even more paradoxical and that the absence of a collaboration with the families concerning language can be associated with how teachers perceive teaching or learning oral skills.




Comment citer

Canut, E., Husianycia, M., Jourdain, M., & Cappele, K. (2021). Compétence des enseignants de maternelle sur le langage de l’enfant et partenariat avec les familles : des postures et une formation à réinterroger. Travaux neuchâtelois De Linguistique, (74), 97–110.



Article thématique