De la phonologie à la graphie vers leur synergie: une expérience tchèque
DOI :ésumé
In Czech the written form of the language is mainly phonological and learners find it difficult at first to handle with the French system. The authors noticed that the methodological approach of these last twenty years did not help improving that aspect of the foreign language acquisition in secondary schools. On the basis of a short text dictated to their first year students they study the reasons why, besides having better communicative competences, the students still have problems in spelling. The authors are convinced that the link between the phonological and graphical systems of the language should be taught from the beginning of the studies to avoid an appropriation of inaccurate sequences of words and to improve the understanding and writing of meaningful sequences. They recommend an audio-oral introduction to the new language, where the differences between the two phonological systems are taken into account, and suggest the use of manuals that are conceived in that sense.Téléchargements
Comment citer
Geffroy Konstacky, D., & Novakova, S. (2011). De la phonologie à la graphie vers leur synergie: une expérience tchèque. Travaux neuchâtelois De Linguistique, (54), 63–72.
Article thématique