Influences translinguistiques dans l'expression de la référence au temps par les quasibilingues russes/français
DOI :és :
This article is concerned with bi-directional transfer in the productions of Russian/French late bilinguals.
Our hypothesis is that the productions of this type of speakers are influenced both by the L1 when they
speak in L2 and by the L2 when they speak in L1. These bidirectional influences are observed in their
narratives and particularly in the way they express temporal reference introduction and maintaining. Our
hypothesis is that bilinguals adopt a neutral narrative strategy, which enables them to organize the
narratives in the two languages. This strategy consists in choosing neutral linguistic means in Russian
and French to express temporal relations, such as syntactic constructions and lexical means like
temporal adverbials, connectors and conjunctions.
Comment citer
(c) Tous droits réservés Tatiana Aleksandrova, Marzena Watorek 2023
Cette œuvre est sous licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.