Hapsatou aurait dû s'appeler … Corinne. . Points de vue et postures énonciatives dans le discours sur la francisation des prénoms
Mots-clés :
français, nomsRésumé
This article focuses on the debate on the gallicisation of first names, which was triggered following the controversy raised in Les Terriens du dimanche, a tv show on channel C8 (broadcast on 16/09/2018) that comments on current events. The debate concerning first names and the possible reinstatement of the law imposing their gallicisation reveals three ideological currents that do not share the same views, neither of French society nor of national identity. The discursive and enunciative analysis proposed in this study should allow to reveal the underlying link between argumentation and enunciative postures. Taking as a reference point the argument in favour of the gallicisation of first names, we can observe the emergence of the coexistence of three enunciative postures within discourse: 1. discordant discordance or total disagreement and the construction of an opposite point of view; 2. concordant discordance or non-explicit and partial agreement and acceptance in the form of under-enunciation; and 3. discordant concordance or disagreement in the agreement and acceptance in the form of an overenunciation.