L'importance de la prosodie dans les interactions orthophoniste-enfant
Most of the work that has been d edicated to the role of prosody in interactions between speech and language therapists and children has focused on patients' prosodic disorders and their treatment, rarely on the prosody of speech and language therapists. This study aims to partly fill this gap by qualitatively examining a corpus of video recordings of the interactions that occur in two speech therapist-child dyads in a therapeutic situation. The examination of the data revealed that the speech and language therapist spontaneously exploited her prosody to indicate to the children the nature of the activity in progress (e.g., informal exchange, planned language task), to point out to the children the erroneous nature of some of their productions and to help correct them. The review of the data also highlighted occasions when prosody was under-exploited. When prosody was used, its use was carried out unconsciously by the speech and language therapist, and appeared to be the result of her professional experience rather than a prior sensitization to the im portance of this tool. The results of this exploratory study tend to support a developed integration of prosody as a therapeutic goal and device during the initial and continuing education of speech and language therapists.Téléchargements
Comment citer
Patin, C., & Macchi, L. (2021). L’importance de la prosodie dans les interactions orthophoniste-enfant. Travaux neuchâtelois De Linguistique, (74), 83–96. https://doi.org/10.26034/tranel.2021.2919
Article thématique