Le niveau d'étude de la mère : une source de variation dans la parole reprise en situation de lecture partagée
This study examines how mothers’ interaction styles may vary depending on education level when engaged in shared reading with their 24 month old children. We compared strategies used to capture and maintain joint attention and to exchange, in 16 mother-infant dyads divided into two groups based on the mother’s education level. Results reveal similarities and differences between the two groups. Capturing and maintaining joint attention was facilitated by certain strategies used by mothers whose education levels surpassed 2 years of post-secondary studies. These strategies included responding in the adjacent turn to verbal initiatives made by the child, and the use of recasts, which repeat and may expand on the child’s utterance. Although present in both groups, this form of recast was used in significantly greater proportions by mothers whose education levels surpassed 2 years of post-secondary education.Téléchargements
Comment citer
Witko, A., Borger, D., & Segur, K. (2014). Le niveau d’étude de la mère : une source de variation dans la parole reprise en situation de lecture partagée. Travaux neuchâtelois De Linguistique, (60), 161–173. https://doi.org/10.26034/tranel.2014.2899
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