L'énonciation dans les pratiques de l'hétérogène


  • Fred Hailon LLL – UMR 7270 CNRS, Université de Tours




From Benveniste, we try to consider position of heterogeneous in enunciation models by considering that language is not a simple instrument of communication, but what constitutes fundamentally the subject. With Bakhtine and the principle of dialogism, we envisage a social enunciation which other one (social) break off transparency of meaning of discourse: any discourse is a public tribune. With contributions of Benveniste and Bakhtine, approach of Authier-Revuz consider semantic discursive of Pêcheux and Lacanian conception of lalangue (the structural equivocal) to criticize models which see in the subject the origin of a word in the service of its intentions. Otherness can break off autonomy of subject. Practices of subject not master of meaning of its discourse, of production at reception, refer to social, ideological, historical and psychosemantic (Lacan) conditioning whom this one undergoes and in meanings which this one convey and which operate without him knowing. The subject is in ceaseless seizure of sense by these others who escape it and who constitutively, more or less conflictuely, constitute its own discourse. Our model envisages pragmatic from point of view of heterogeneous.




Comment citer

Hailon, F. (2012). L’énonciation dans les pratiques de l’hétérogène. Travaux neuchâtelois De Linguistique, (56), 119–134. https://doi.org/10.26034/tranel.2012.2877



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