Expressions référentielles et reprises d'énoncés dans des dialogues adulte-enfant à l'école et en famille : une étude exploratoire
DOI :ésumé
The aim of this article is to study the way referring expressions are taken up in repeated utterances in dialogues between adults and children aged between 3 to 5. Children are involved in a joint reading activity – of an illustrated book without text – either in a dyadic interaction with their mother or in a polyadic interaction with a teacher and peers. Our results show that the children's age and the context (teacher and peers vs mother, choice of the illustrated book) play a role in the use of referring expressions in the repeated utterances by adults and children.Téléchargements
Comment citer
Vinel, E., Salagnac, N., & Hassan, R. (2014). Expressions référentielles et reprises d’énoncés dans des dialogues adulte-enfant à l’école et en famille : une étude exploratoire. Travaux neuchâtelois De Linguistique, (60), 33–45.
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