Rôle des reprises dans l'acquisition des articles et des clitiques sujets chez des enfants francophones âgés de 2 à 3 ans


  • Tiphanie Bertin LPGA, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3




The role of repetition in language acquisition is often studied for lexical development. In this study, we propose to explore the role of adult and child repetition in the acquisition process of articles and clitical subject pronouns. After a brief presentation of a quantitative analysis of the evolution of repetition in the adult and child productions, we focus our analysis on the dialogical phenomenon of repetition in the child and adult verbalizations. The aim of the study is to illustrate the interactional process of the acquisition of articles and clitical subjects pronouns with an analysis of transformations in child productions after adjusted adult repetitions, considered as indications of an acquisition process in progress.




Comment citer

Bertin, T. (2014). Rôle des reprises dans l’acquisition des articles et des clitiques sujets chez des enfants francophones âgés de 2 à 3 ans. Travaux neuchâtelois De Linguistique, (60), 21–31. https://doi.org/10.26034/tranel.2014.2847



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