Une enquête sociolinguistique sur la transmission intergénérationnelle des langues au Gabon
In this contribution, we examine the question of the transmission of Bantu languages from the generation of the parents to the generation of children, into the specific context of Gabon. Our results are based upon a sociolinguistic survey (Zuè Elibiyo, 2008) made in two different cities of Gabon. One of these cities is located in the north-west (Libreville), and the other one in the center (Lambaréné). The data analysis shows that French language is clearly the language which the great majority of the parents transmit to their children. Nevertheless, at least two Bantu local languages, Fang (A75) and Gisir (B41) are, to a certain extent, also spoken by adults to the children within the family context. Finally, we show that not all local languages of Gabon are really endangered, even though their transmission is globally in decline.Téléchargements
Comment citer
Medjo Mvé, P., & Zuè Elibiyo, M. (2010). Une enquête sociolinguistique sur la transmission intergénérationnelle des langues au Gabon. Travaux neuchâtelois De Linguistique, (52), 51–68. https://doi.org/10.26034/tranel.2010.2833
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