La préposition O/OB en russe moderne: homonymie ou polysémie?
DOI :ésumé
In this article, we talk about semantic differentiation that one can currently observe between allomorphs of a unit of which distribution was initially imposed by the only phonological context. The unit in question is the prepositional forms O and OB in the modern Russian language. An analysis of a large number of data allows us to put forward the hypothesis that at the semantic level we only have one preposition, where the relation set up between the entities X and Y (cf. the general theory of prepositions of Franckel & Paillard, 2007) is always of the same nature. The differentiation would then come from a syntactic origin, where X is an entity considered in its own in the O case, and engaged in a process in the OB case.Téléchargements
Comment citer
Hermant, J. (2009). La préposition O/OB en russe moderne: homonymie ou polysémie?. Travaux neuchâtelois De Linguistique, (50), 37–46.
Article thématique