De la poétique à l’analyse du discours publicitaire: l’hypertextualité, entre intertextualité et architextualité
DOI :ésumé
This contribution firstly redefines the three notions of intertextuality, hypertextuality, and architextuality. Secondly, it illustrates the pertinence of these three types of relations basing itself on a corpus of advertisements found in the written press. The various examples used demonstrate the advantage of viewing these three types of relations as complementary, as capable of shifting from one to another. Finally, if the transfer of these categories from the field of poetics to that of advertising discourse is interesting, it is because, as we have abundantly demonstrated elsewhere (Lugrin, 2006), advertising discourse is a machine that recycles–and therefore relays–the surrounding culture.Téléchargements
Comment citer
Lugrin, G. (2006). De la poétique à l’analyse du discours publicitaire: l’hypertextualité, entre intertextualité et architextualité. Travaux neuchâtelois De Linguistique, (44), 133–149.
Article thématique