La situation de communication comme lieu de conditionnement du surgissement interdiscursif
DOI :ésumé
After we have specified why in this paper we will not make a distinction between the concepts of intertextuality and interdiscursivity, the author proposes to analyse this question in a socio-communicational discourse model within which first of all he will specify the basic parameters. Firstly, it is shown by an example that the interdiscursivity depends on an inference mechanism, and that the interpretation of a text demands multiple inferences. Secondly, this interdiscursivity mechanism is described through a triangular interconnectedness of "I – third person – You" around shared knowledge. This leads the author to the definition of "socio discursive imaginary". Finally, this interdiscursivity mechanism that rests on the socio-discursive imaginary is demonstrated on the basis of several examples taken from media discourse.Téléchargements
Comment citer
Charaudeau, P. (2006). La situation de communication comme lieu de conditionnement du surgissement interdiscursif. Travaux neuchâtelois De Linguistique, (44), 27–38.
Article thématique