Structure prosodique, structure de contrastes
DOI :ésumé
Contrary to the well-known autosegmental-metrical theory, the phonosyntactic approach presented in this paper uses an explicit principle to explain the possible conflicting relations between syntax and prosody. From a simple starting hypothesis assuming the existence of a prosodic structure which organizes hierarchically sentence stress groups, and posing a set of constraints such as planarity, connexity, syntactic clash and eurhythmicity, it becomes relatively simple to enumerate all the possible prosodic structures that can be associated to a given syntactic structure. Careful examination of neutralization mechanisms involving prosodic markers leads to a clear understanding of experimental data, which may appear otherwise hard to interpret, both for laboratory and spontaneous speech.Téléchargements
Comment citer
Martin, P. (2007). Structure prosodique, structure de contrastes. Travaux neuchâtelois De Linguistique, (47), 103–116.
Article thématique