L'impossible clôture des corpus médiatiques: la mise au jour des observables entre catégorisation et contextualisation


  • Sophie Moirand Université Paris 3, Sorbonne Nouvelle, CEDISCOR-SYLED, Paris




With a view to analyzing the way the mass media deal with specific "discourse moments" (such as the debates on GMO's), two stages are drawn up. First, a survey is made of the descriptive categories that prove necessary to extract "observables", which are located along texts and documents, and also to set up the "sub-corpora" they bring up. But in the purpose of contextualizing these data, we need to make use of the operating notion of dialogism, with its various forms of actualization. Thus, in a second stage, it is shown how the first exploratory corpus can be expanded to interdiscourses, which come up as reminders of previous discourses and facts: this interdiscursive memory bank, built up by the media and within the media, takes us back to the history of the relations between science, nature and society.




Comment citer

Moirand, S. (2004). L’impossible clôture des corpus médiatiques: la mise au jour des observables entre catégorisation et contextualisation. Travaux neuchâtelois De Linguistique, (40), 71–92. https://doi.org/10.26034/tranel.2004.2599



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