La Pampa comme terrain: l’interculturel à l’intérieur d’une même culture


  • Marco Giolitto Université de Neuchâtel



In this article I shall examine an unusual aspect of immigration. Nowadays, immigration is Europe-bound. In the XIX century, however, a large number of European emigrants left for America. I will focus, in particular, on Piedmontese emigration in Argentina – one that was quite widespread and influential on the economy of this South-American country. A survey carried out among the descendants of Piedmontese emigrants will be briefly discussed in order to address a rather neglected aspect: namely, the relationship between Piedmontese people in Piedmont and in Argentina. Do they belong to the same heritage or has a century of separation developed two traditions? In view of this, I will refer to some examples based on my own experience with Piedmontese people in Argentina as well as on gatherings between them and twinning-delegations from several towns in Piedmont who travelled to Argentina. Arguments in favour of, and against, the development of two separate traditions will be addressed and evaluated in order to prove that, in the end, the heritage is one and the same, albeit profoundly changed.




Comment citer

Giolitto, M. (2002). La Pampa comme terrain: l’interculturel à l’intérieur d’une même culture. Travaux neuchâtelois De Linguistique, (36), 123–139.



Article thématique