Sur quelques types d’hétérogénéité des structures grammaticales en français
DOI :ésumé
On some types of heterogeneousness of the grammatical structures in French I leaned on the works reunited by Traugott & Heine (1991) dedicated in the phenomen of grammaticalization to report a certain number of sectors of the morphosyntax of French which were the object of a linguistic change at the origin of a heterogeousness of their grammatical structure. I shall be interested in two types of situations of heterogeneousnss of the grammatical structures. The first types concerns all the sectors of the grammatical systeme of French wich gave place, during the history, to fluctuations in the usage and about which remarqueurs and grammarians multiplied opinions and prescriptions. One observes indeed in the familiar, not institutional practice of the language, the durability of manners formerly installed in French with the normative institutions banned, sometimes for the XVII-th century. The second type which I shall retain is the one in that the usages in competition are also normative; this case of heterogeneousness is the object of divergent grammatical interpretations.Téléchargements
Comment citer
Valli, A. (2001). Sur quelques types d’hétérogénéité des structures grammaticales en français. Travaux neuchâtelois De Linguistique, (34-35), 117–130.
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